The Meta-Blog – ‘Ramblin’ News’ No.4, Strawberry Moon 2023:
As the Government threatens to raise the retirement age, again!, why is there no discussion about ‘Multidimensional Poverty’? Traditional stereotypes about poverty, based within the establishment's four-hundred year-old principle of, ‘the deserving and undeserving poor’, cannot encompass these complex relationships. Therein lies a deeper truth.
The Meta-Blog – ‘Ramblin’ News’ No.3, Flower Moon 2023:
For some months the ‘specialist’ media have been tracking a major structural change in the world’s economy brought-on by the Ukraine War: Not the well-publicised crisis of food or energy prices; but of who controls the world’s financial payments system, and its use to enforce Western sanctions.
The Meta-Blog – ‘Ramblin’ News’ No.2, Flower Moon 2023:
Why are authoritarians in both of our main political parties stifling the youth vote in Britain? We have to draw the line somewhere: For me, that’s the point where participation in the process implies a willing acceptance of it.