“Do not stare into the Kelly Kettle, lest the Kelly Kettle stares back into thee”
Capturing the world ‘as I feel it’

Videos & Music’

A directory of ‘Ramblinactivist’ Paul Mobbs’ video & musical works.

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The title image for Ramblinactivist’s Video No.17 of 2023 ‘Ramblinactivist’s Videos’, 2023/17, 5th June 2023:

‘The Collapse of Complex Societies’ (1988)
(‘A Book in Five Minutes’, No.28)

Some books get a ‘reputation’ as a result of what people believe they say rather than on a detailed reading of the text. Just a word in the title – for example, ‘collapse’ – can be enough to invalidate their content without any appreciation of what they actually say.

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An audio podcast of this blog post is available on the page.

The title image for Ramblinactivist’s Video No.16 of 2023 ‘Ramblinactivist’s Videos’, 2023/16, 29th May 2023:

“Please Sir, will we ever reach retirement age?” (‘Ramblin’ News’ No.4)

As the Government threatens to raise the retirement age, again!, why is there no discussion about ‘Multidimensional Poverty’? Traditional stereotypes about poverty, based within the establishment's four-hundred year-old principle of, ‘the deserving and undeserving poor’, cannot encompass these complex relationships. Therein lies a deeper truth.

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The title image for Ramblinactivist’s Video No.13 of 2023 ‘Ramblinactivist’s Videos’, 2023/13, 8th May 2023:

Overshoot – The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change (1980) (‘A Book in Five Minutes’, No.27)

Though, ‘Overshoot’, is ostensibly a book about biophysical limits, the theme that runs through it is about the human propensity for denying obvious facts: Our ability to deceive not only others, but more importantly, ourselves.

Click here to view the blog post for this video

An audio podcast of this blog post is available on the page.

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