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The flow of history never rests, and little resists its power

Long Walks & Anarcho-Primitivism:

‘Radical References’

As part of ‘Long Walks and Anarcho-Primitivism’, occasional posts that explore the people and places of our radical past, and how they can inform our struggles today.

"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgement of the intellect is, at best, only the half of truth, and must, if it be honest, also come to an understanding of its inadequacy."

Carl Jung, ‘Psychological Types’ (1921)

Long Walks & Anarcho-Primitivism is intended as a practical blog. To balance that, as Jung outlines, in this section I examine radical history & theory in a ‘less practical’ manner.

While the main blog has videos associated with each post, in this area – as what we are talking about here is history or theory – videos are not required. Instead an audio podcast is usually provided so that you may listen to the ideas rather than have to read them. As with the main blog, each ‘Radical References’ post still provides links to background information.

‘Radical References’

An image of ‘Massacre in Korea’, by Pablo Picasso, 1951 ‘Radical References’ No.1, Beltane 2021:

‘England's Standard Advanced’; A Declaration from Master Will Thompson and the oppressed People of this nation, now under his conduct in Oxfordshire, dated at their Rendezvous, May 6th 1649

Revisiting the story of the local Leveller revolt from 372 years ago, to see how the problematic patterns of history laid down then, persist into the modern-day.

This blog post also contains an podcast recording of the text.

An image of ‘The World Turned Upside Down’, from the 1640s ‘Radical References’ No.2, Lammas 2021:

(The prologue to) ‘A Watchword to The City of London, and The Army’

Written three-hundred and seventy-two years ago, this prologue outlines some of Gerrard Winstanley’s key phrases and ideas. It’s about the importance of action to create change rather than ‘just talking about it’, and the unwelcome reality that too many people talking about change delays the achievement of it through direct action.

This blog post also contains an podcast recording of the text.

An image of Aldous Huxley and ‘Brave New World’ ‘Radical References’, No.3, Mabon 2022:

Aldous Huxley’s ‘Ultimate Revolution’

In 1962, Aldous Huxley, author of ‘Brave New World’, gave a speech to mark thirty years since its publication. Sixty years after that speech, and Huxley’s prognostication of the populous learning to ‘love their servitude’ continues to evolve.

This blog post also contains an podcast recording of the text. In a small divergence from previous reviews, I have created a video with Huxley’s words. You can also download the background music track here.

‘Radical References’, No.4, Samhain 2022:

Thomas Rainsborough and the 375th Anniversary of The Putney Debates

As British people currently wrestle with the reality that they do not have the power to choose the governing executive – and that their representation is in actuality in name only, and renders little political control – it’s fitting that we celebrate the 375th anniversary of one of the significant events of English history.

Click here for the video of this post

This blog post also contains an audio podcast.

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