The walks from the Banburyshire Rambles Photo-Journal currently on-line (in reverse chronological order/most recent first):
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, Worm Moon 2023:
‘Trespassing, With Intent!’
In pursuit of a route along a brook, I follow a path created by the stormtroopers of the landrights movement – the dog-walkers!
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 15th December 2022:
‘The North Wind Comes...’
Sunday 11th December 2022: For me, having a day outdoors in the frost and cold is obligatory. Now the north wind is blowing, and it promises a lovely walk!
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 23rd November 2022:
‘From Green Lane to Weeping Cross’
Not a planned walk: it was ‘now or never’ for the next few days. Dazzlingly bright sun made the Autumn leaves glow; not good for photography as I’ll be struggling between extremes of light and shadow. Then crossing the canal I notice something unusual… most of it wasn’t there!
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 9th October 2022:
‘Hunting the Hunter’s Moon’
Autumn’s here, but for me the season really starts with the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ – the first full moon after the Autumn Equinox. So I go off for an afternoon to find it.
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 31st May 2022:
‘North of Banbury along the Ironstone ridges’
Friday 27th May 2022: A circuit out from Banbury, following the long ironstone ridges that rise from the northern fringe of the town towards Edgehill.
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 17th April 2022:
‘The Awakening Moon ’
Saturday 16th April 2022: I want to add a couple more locations to my ‘Ancient Sites’ collection. It’s also the full moon, which Americans call the ‘Pink Moon’ and Europeans call ‘The Awakening Moon’. Either way, this evening the moon will rise almost the same moment as the sun sets, and that sounds like a perfectly good excuse to sit in a field and make some tea.
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 1st March 2022:
‘Venus, the Crescent Moon, and a Blackthorn Winter Dawn’
Sunday 27th February 2022: Wednesday is the new ‘Sap Moon’, and right now Venus is the ‘Morning Star’. I decide to get out early as the two should be close together, sitting on the dawn horizon. Leaving the road at Weeping Cross I find the ground crunches beneath my feet – there’s a good frost just to add a little spice to what will be a clear, bright dawn!
Banburyshire Rambles Journal, 1th January 2022:
‘Winter Solstice Plus One’
Wednesday 22nd December 2021: I saw the sunrise yesterday morning, but was detained by events later that day and couldn’t go out to greet it. Out well before dawn this morning, the scene was immeasurably better as I was greeted with clear skies and a good frost.