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Banburyshire Rambles Journal:

Banburyshire’s Radical History

Landscape image, ‘Upper Heyford Security Fence along Portway’, 28th March 2016
‘Upper Heyford Security Fence along Portway’, 28th March 2016

Few people in modern-day Banbury are aware of its tumultuous ‘radical’ history; and of the significance of those events to our national evolution into the modern British state.

Banbury, from Medieval times, was nationally renown as a centre for dissent. The term ‘radical’ means, in the time which it was used, someone who wished to look at our situation ‘from the roots’, rather than compromising with the status quo. From early Quakers, to Levellers, to Nineteenth Century socialists, Banbury’s history is full of interesting events and characters who in their own way tried to shake-up the status quo of their time.

Banburyshire’s Radical History

The post in this index are listed in the ‘permanent collection’, and this list also includes posts from another of my themed blogs, ‘Radical References’.

Banburyshire’s Radical History: ‘Banbury Quaker Meeting House’, 27th July 2022 Banburyshire’s Radical History, Monday 8th August 2022:

John Woolman and Banbury’s Quaker Meeting House

In 1772, a Quaker went on a journey through England, visiting the meeting house in Banbury, to preach about the ills of slavery; a journey that would end with his death in York at the beginning of October. The words he spoke during his life are just as true today, and in the context of today’s materialistic society, are even more revolutionary than when he spoke them over 250 years ago.

Go to the YouTube video for this post.

An image of ‘Massacre in Korea’, by Pablo Picasso, 1951 ‘Radical References’ No.1, Beltane 2021:

‘England's Standard Advanced’; A Declaration from Master Will Thompson and the oppressed People of this nation, now under his conduct in Oxfordshire, dated at their Rendezvous, May 6th 1649

Revisiting the story of the local Leveller revolt from 372 years ago, to see how the problematic patterns of history laid down then, persist into the modern-day.

This blog post also contains an podcast recording of the text.

Inside of a room, ‘Adderbury Quaker Meeting House (1675)’ Banburyshire Rambles Journal, Sunday 16th June 2019:

To Adderbury Gathering… Without Distress

I skirt the town centre to Banbury Quaker Meeting House, and after checking for walkers it's time to head-off cross-country to Adderbury – via the ‘alternative route’. Flooding prevents use of the shorter, prettier route (precisely because it crosses the flat, wildflower-rich flood meadows). There's a brisk wind and the animated cloudscape promises heavy rain. I'm going to get wet!

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