The Free Range Network - 'WEIRD';
Issue No.5, Mabon 2021:
Research for the End of Your 'Normal' Everyday Existence
A special edition on the white-heat of eco-research about British consumption 'on-the-never-Neverland'. In summary: We are not in a situation of having ‘problems’ with ‘possible solutions’; we are in a ‘predicament’ with only a few, mostly unwelcome ‘outcomes’ to choose from.
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Note: Breaking with our usual ‘no linking’ convention, for this edition of WEIRD, each of the article headings contains a list of the academic studies referenced in it for you to download & read.
☮ Introduction: Introducing the science for the end of your 'normal' everyday existence
We are not in a situation of having ‘problems’ with ‘possible solutions’; we are in a ‘predicament’ with only a few, mostly unwelcome ‘outcomes’ to choose from.
☮ History file: Bill Devall – ‘The Deep Ecology Movement’
Published in 1980, this tract was the first to outline the split between ‘eco-reformers’ & ‘deep ecologists’. References: